How a Tiny Firm Became World Biotech Leader

Amgen 1980成立于美国加州,目前为全球市值最高(1300亿美元)的生物制药公司

Fu-Kuen Lin林福坤博士等克隆出erythropoietin gene与开发EPOGEN药物的故事

Facts about Amgen
umber of employees:19,200 (December 2016) 
Revenue: US$22.99 billion (2016)
Operating income:US$ 9.79 billion (2016) 
Net income: US$ 7.72 billion (2016)
HeadquarterThousand Oaks, California,USA

History and Timeline

1980AMGen (formerly Applied Molecular Genetics Inc.) was established in Thousand Oaks, California, on April 8, 1980


                  William Bowes: 1926- Dec. 2016


In 1980, venture capitalist William Bowes from Cetus Corporation recruits Winston Salser from UCLA to start Amgen with a scientific advisory board consisting of Normam Davidson, Leroy Hood, Arnold Berk, John Carbon, Robert Schimke, Arno Motulsky, Marvin H. Caruthers, and Dave Gibson. 


1980-1982 Early experiments.

In the first three years, AMGen scientists attempt many things: creating organisms to extract oil from shale, growing chickens faster, making specialty chemicals, cloning luciferase (the light source for fireflies) and creating a process for producing indigo dye in E. coli—an achievement that made the cover of Science magazine in 1983. The final direction for the Company would be treating and curing disease.


1983: IPO

Led by CFO Gordon Binder, Amgen’s IPO on June 17, 1983, raises nearly $40 million.

The Company officially changes its name to Amgen.


1983-1989: cloning the erythropoietin gene and launched EPOGEN® (epoetin alfa), Amgen’s 1st blockbuster drug

A team led by a young researcher from Taiwan named Fu-Kuen Lin林福坤博士is tasked with finding and cloning the erythropoietin gene. Their job is staggering: finding a gene on a single fragment of DNA among 1.5 million fragments of the human genome. After working tirelessly for two years, they did it. This groundbreaking achievement enables the creation of one of the most successful drugs in biotech history, EPOGEN® (epoetin alfa升红细胞素), which is approved on June 1, 1989 by the FDA.


Fu-Kuen Lin examines x-ray film to identify gene coding for erythropoietin.             EPOGEN®

The black areas show bacterial colonies containing the gene.                Fortune magazine: Product of the Year 1989


1985-1991: cloning the G-CSF gene and launched NEUPOGEN®, the 2nd blockbuster drug

While Lin is working on erythropoietin, researcher Larry Souza and his team, working with members from Dr. Malcolm Moore’s laboratory at Memorial  Sloan-Kettering Cancer  Center, discovered and cloned the gene encoding granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) in 1985. This discovery leads to the development of Amgen’s second blockbuster drug NEUPOGEN® (filgrastim升白细胞素), which is approved on February 21, 1991 by the FDA.



Dr. Malcolm Moore                                   NEUPOGEN®

  Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center              Fortune magazine: Product of the Year 1991.

1998: In November 1998, Immunex, a future acquisition of Amgen, received approval for Enbrel (etanercept), the first rheumatoid arthritis drug targeting tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha).


List of Amgen's approved drugs or therapeutic biologicals as of Dec. 2017

1     Aranesp (darbepoetin alfa) for anemia

2     Blincyto (blinatumomab) for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia)[46]

3     Enbrel (etanercept) for various forms of arthritis

4     Epogen (erythropoietin) for anemia

5     Neulasta (pegfilgrastim) for neutropenia

6     Neupogen (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor) for neutropenia

7     Nplate (romiplostim) for chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura

8     Prolia (denosumab) for postmenopausal osteoporosis

9     Vectibix (panitumumab) for colon cancer

11    Xgeva (denosumab) for the prevention of skeletal-related events

12   Kyprolis (carfilzomib)

13   Repatha (evolocumab)

14   Parsabiv (etelcalcetide)

15   Corlanor (ivabradine)



Fu-Kuen Lin,Ph.D (林福坤博士)及其团队发现EPO gene的故事



林褔坤出生于台湾基隆。在国立台大先后获得学士和硕士学位后,来美深造,于1971年在伊利诺大学香槟分校University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 获植物病理学博士学位。林博士曾在普渡大学Purdue University 那不拉斯卡大学University of Nebraska 做博士后研究,而后还曾返回台湾工作过两年。1977年移居美国,先在路易斯安那州立大学Louisiana State University进行核酸生化学研究,而后转至南卡医科大学Medical University of South Carolina 从事基因工程技术研究。


林博士开始在Amgen工作的时候,既没有办公室也没有像样的实验室, 他只能利用图书馆的小会议室进行学习。在提供的研究课题项目表上,林褔坤凭借他的智慧选择了EPO基因的研究。EPO的全名为Erythropoietin,中文名称叫红血球生长素,是由肾赃分泌的一种激素(荷尔蒙)蛋白质,能刺激骨髓产生红血细胞(red blood cellsRBC)后者把新陈代谢必需的氧运送到全身的器官、组织和细胞。


慢性肾衰竭Chronic renal failure是一种进行性、不可逆转的肾功能丧失。晚期肾病患者只能靠旷日持久的肾透析(俗称洗肾)才把体内的代谢废物排泄出去。肾功能衰竭的人,EPO的分泌亦随之减少,红血细胞生成的数量锐减,导致全身细胞缺氧,造成严重的贫血、疲劳、眩晕、肌肉无力、疼痛和气短等等症状。所以晚期肾病患者不但要做肾透析,还要靠不断地接受输血来给细胞供氧,产生一定的能量以维持简单的日常生活能力。近年来器官移植外科技术的发展,使肾移植的成功率大大提高,给肾病患者带来生的希望。然而,肾赃来源严重贬乏,使大批患者在等待中抱憾死去。少数获得肾移植的幸运儿,却不得不终生服用对身体有害的免疫抑制剂以防移植的肾赃被排斥。倘若在肾透析的同时能给病人补充足量的EPO,就能刺激骨髓产生红血细胞,而不必再靠输血,那将是理想的治疗办法。


在二十世纪70年代,芝加哥大学的Eugene Goldwasser教授从再生障碍性贫血患者的尿液中分离纯化出EPO,但是其含量甚微,收集2550公升liters)才能提取出区区几毫克的EPO,所以这种办法没有临床实用价值。到了1983年,林福坤领导的Amgen研究小组首先克隆出人类EPO基因。紧接著又利用刚刚兴起的重组DNA技术,将EPO基因导入适当的宿主细胞进行基因表达,从而产生出大量的人类EPO蛋白质。经过两年多的艰苦奋斗,经历了无数次的失败和探索,林的小组获得成功。Amgen将她的第一个基因工程药物命名为 EPOGEN (Epoetin alfa)


为了宣告这个激动振奋的消息,CEO George B. Rathmann召集了Amgen当时的所有员工,想让Fu-Kuen站到最前台亲自宣布并接受大家的鼓掌。但会议开始的时候,Fu-Kuen并没有出现,而是继续泡在实验室干活。过了15分钟好不容易把他从实验室里揪出来,期间George已忍不住分享了这一消息。Fu-Kuen一走进会议室,便是满满的掌声和欢呼。


1985123,是Amgen历史性的一天:第一个志愿受试者接受了这个新药的注射。之后在University of Washington Seattle 进行的Phase I 临床试验,证明了 EPOGEN的安全性,并呈现出与使用剂量相关的临床疗效。紧接著10所医院加盟 Phase II/III 的临床试验,试验结果清楚地证明这个由基因工程技术制造出的EPOGEN能迅速、大幅度地增加肾病患者的红血细胞和血红素,无须接受输血,就能正常地生话。


优异的临床疗效使得Amgen仅花费了短短3年半的时间,于198961获得FDA的批准, EPOGEN正式上市销售。EPOGEN的成功,为生物工程技术应用于医药工业提供了成功的范例 (EPOGEN® is named Product of the Year, by Fortune magazine in 1989) 。用销售数字说,EPOGEN®1989年上市销售的第一天,收入达2千万美元;上市后的两年时间,收入超过5.8亿美元。


当然林福坤的研究和发现并不像上面说的那样简单。 1950年代初期James Watson Francis Crick发现了DNA的双螺旋结构,开创了现代生物工程技术的时代。然而直到70年代末、80年代初期,人们对重组DNA所知甚少,基因测序(sequencing) 和克隆所需要的技术方法也很原始。而人类EPO基因具有庞大的氨基酸序列,所以在那时想要寻找和分离出EPO基因的努力就好像要在汪洋大海里的亿万鱼群中找出一条有特定性格的小鱼一样不可思议。


当时的 Amgen研究经费十分缺乏,在林的研究遭遇到几次失败之后,公司的高层管理甚至林的一些同事都动摇了,要砍掉林的项目。然而,林福坤凭借著他深厚的科学功底和审慎的科学分析,却坚信自己的信念,并保证能在短期内获得EPO基因克隆的成功。当时的CEO George Rathman 被他的顽强精神感动了,被他严谨的科学论证说服了,同意再给出几个月的时间。可是他的研究小组却因经费困难被缩减到只有两个人,一个是他的得力助手Chi-Hwei Lin林启辉(见附图),而另一个则是他本人。他们开始了夜以继日的工作,没有假日,没有所谓的Happy Hour,也没有时间陪伴家人和孩子。为了节约时间,林福坤索性住进了实验室。







对于所有新药研发的初创公司来说,找寻合作伙伴,是让公司持续经营的重要业务。无论是提供资金以支持费时费钱的临床试验、或是提供遍布全国甚至是全球的销售渠道,对于新创公司都是极其重要的。Wall Street上新创公司与大药企的合作新闻也一定是股价的提升剂。










另一是1991年,当Amgen一切在转好的时候,法院判Amgen赔偿J&J强生1.5亿美元,这一超过Amgen所有资产的数字。所有的员工都傻了。CEO Gordon Binder,一人站在讲台,逐一坦诚面对员工的问题,分析破产的可能性,上诉失败的可能性。从下午一点开始,直至晚上六点送走最后一位员工。


Fu-Kuen Lin (born 1941 in Keelung,Taiwan) received his B.S. from National Taiwan University in 1964 and M.S. in plant pathology in 1967. That year, he moved to theUnited Statesto study fungi physiology under Professor David Gottlieb, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Lin was awarded a doctorate in plant pathology in 1971. He held postdoctoral and visiting scientist positions at several institutions between 1971 and 1981. He was an associate research fellow at the Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica inTaiwanfrom 1975–1977 and an adjunct associate professor at the National Taiwan University from 1976-1977.


Fu-Kuen Lin joined Amgen, a biotech company as a research scientist in August 1981. He was involved with Amgen’s recombinant human erythropoietin project from the start, and was soon leading the team, which was developing EPO based on a small sample of the hormone that had been isolated by a team led by Eugene Goldwasser at the University of Chicago. In 1983 his team successfully established the gene coding for it and recombinant human erythropoietin was approved by the US FDA in June 1989 with the generic name epoetin alpha, tradename Epogen.


Lin was also engaged in developing novel pharmaceutics and studying their molecular mechanisms. His primary research interests were in the fields of hematology, hypertension, immune regulation and fungi physiology.


Lin retired from Amgen as the Director of the Department of Biomedical Sciences in 1998.


Lin is the inventor of sevenUSpatents covering “DNA Sequences Encoding Erythropoietin” and “Production of Erythropoietin”.


Among other honors, Lin is a recipient of the “1989 Technology Corridor 100” Award; the 1990 “Quality of Life” Award; the “1995 Discoverers Award” (by Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America); and the Committee of 100, Pioneer Recognition Award in May 2002.



1.Amgen 公司官方网站资料

2.Amgen 公司2004年度报告

3.Lin F.“DNA Sequences Encoding Erythropoietin”,US-Patent 4,703,008 (Nov.30,1984).

4.Lin F. et al."Cloning and expression of the human erythropoietin gene"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 1985,82: 7580-7584.

2018年6月26日 12:13